Chevy Chase, MD


FCP® Vice President – Impact Investments, Alecia Hill, will take part in the upcoming CREW DC Affordable Housing Summit to be held on September 19, 2024 at The Wharf District in Washington, DC.

Hill will participate in the event’s Financing panel.

Registration is open to all and available here. Per CREW DC, the Summit will explore the critical issue of affordable housing by bringing together leaders and practitioners from various sectors of industry. Attendees will gain insights into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities in affordable housing, through in-depth discussions on policy, financing, and development. Key topics will include federal and state legislation, zoning and land use regulations, public/private partnerships, funding sources, and innovative financing models.

Featuring a diverse lineup of speakers and panelists, including policymakers, financiers, and developers, attendees will hear their experiences and strategies for success, and attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of the current state of affordable housing in the U.S., the impact of policy decisions, innovative financing strategies, and best practices in development, all aimed at creating more inclusive and sustainable communities.

Alecia Hill is a Vice President and Assistant Portfolio Manager at FCP, responsible for expanding the firm’s impact investing initiatives and affordable housing preservation multifamily platform. Before joining FCP, Alecia was a member of the Impact Investing team at Enterprise Community Partners, where she focused on Opportunity Zone Fund development, transaction underwriting, and innovation finance within affordable and workforce housing. Alecia has been a featured facilitator on community development finance structuring and policy with HUD and the EPA. She holds an MPA in Management and Finance from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, a BA from Columbia University, and is an alumna of McKinsey & Company’s Black Leadership Management Accelerator and the Wharton Social Impact Initiative. Alecia is an Advisory Board Member for the BILT Foundation, and a Leadership Council Member for the Washington Partnership to End Homelessness. She is Chair of Smart Growth America’s LOCUS Coalition for inclusive, transit-oriented development; a 2024 UP Fellow with the National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC), and a Young Leader’s Fellow with Columbia University’s Sustainable Investing Research Initiative (SIRI). Alecia received an Emerging Leaders Award at the 2024 National Multifamily Housing Council Annual Meeting.

About FCP
FCP® is a privately held real estate investment company that has invested in or financed more than $13.1 billion in assets since its founding in 1999. FCP invests directly and with operating partners in commercial and residential assets. The firm makes equity and structured investments in income-producing and development properties. Based in Chevy Chase, MD, FCP invests both its commingled, discretionary funds and separate accounts targeted at major real estate markets in the United States. For further information on FCP, please visit